Maine Edge reports on Holberton’s Blackpoll warbler research

The Maine Edge published a University of Maine news release about Blackpoll warbler research led by University of Maine biologist Rebecca Holberton. Holberton and her team collected feathers from Blackpolls at multiple locations throughout North America during fall and spring migration to learn where and when specific breeding populations moved. The study, Holberton said, marks the first time scientists have determined a most likely explanation for why numbers of birds on migration have declined. “In the past much of the focus has been censusing birds either on the breeding areas or on the wintering areas,” Holberton said. “But by being able to identify where birds are going and where they are coming from during migration, we can learn more about the reason why we see declines during this period. By determining where birds are throughout the entire life cycle, we can better target ‘full life cycle’ conservation efforts more effectively.”