Dowse, McConnon mentioned in Morning Sentinel article on baking workshops

University of Maine professors Harold “Dusty” Dowse and Jim McConnon were mentioned in a Morning Sentinel article on baking workshops offered at Somerset Grist Mill in Skowhegan. The workshops, sponsored by the Maine Grain Alliance, focused on sourcing ingredients, finding out what customers want, marketing, promoting, location and sales. Dowse, a professor of biological sciences, baker and facilitator of the workshops, said each new baker is like a new seed sown into the revival of real bread, baked and sold locally, no matter where you live in Maine. “People want artisan bread now,” he said. “Its demographic is local — they want real bread — they don’t want the stuff they’ve been getting.” McConnon, a professor of economics at UMaine and with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, spoke to participants about marketing, small business and market research during a “Know Your Market” talk, according to the article.