WABI covers 4-H Science Saturday on chemistry of color

WABI (Channel 5) reported on the University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H Science Saturday that explored the chemistry of color. The event allowed middle and high school students the opportunity to synthesize pigments and use them in chemistry and art experiments, including making their own crayons, according to the report. “We get a lot of kids that are more interested in the topic and then just get swept up in the fun of it and don’t even realize that they’re doing science anymore,” said Alice Philbrick, a 4-H community education assistant. Participants utilized techniques and instruments used by chemists. “I thought it was really fun because we don’t usually get to do things like this at school, and it’s really a different experience,” said Bangor resident Helen Rebar. The next 4-H Science Saturday will be held Dec. 5 and will focus on winter ecology. WVII (Channel 7) also reported on the program.