Dwyer featured in WAGM segment on managing garden pests

Jim Dwyer, crops specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was featured on WAGM (Channel 8 in Presque Isle) speaking about how to manage garden pests. Dwyer, who surveys area potato fields for weeds, insects and diseases, says UMaine Extension has different traps and programs to alert growers about when certain insects will be in the area, according to the report. He also helps them decide if they should make a pesticide application, the report states. “Ideally what we want to do is save growers money. We want to have as high-a-quality crop as possible, and be as environmentally sound as possible,” Dwyer said. He said some pest solutions for growers include using the highest quality seed possible, using pesticides, planting early or late to try to avoid pests, and harvesting as soon as possible.