Moran quoted in media reports on state’s apple crop

Renae Moran, a tree fruit specialist with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, was quoted in a Portland Press Herald article about the increase of heirloom apple varieties in Maine orchards, as well as a NECN report about the state’s apple season getting under way. Moran told the Press Herald the expansion of heirloom apples in Maine’s commercial orchards is a “definite trend, but not to a large scale.” “Most orchards have always had a few trees of old-fashioned varieties but are now planting a few more,” she said. NECN reported orchards around New England are starting to open to the public for the picking season, and farmers in Maine are noticing a strong crop. “Sometimes when you get a heavy crop, you tend to pick up some bland flavors, but I haven’t detected that yet,” Moran said. “I am pleased with the crop load, and I’m pleased with the quality of the fruit,” she said, adding she expects the season to be a long one that will last well into October. WLBZ (Channel 2) carried the NECN report.