Square-Foot Gardening Workshop Begins in April
University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering a six-class workshop on building, planting, maintaining and harvesting square-foot gardens in raised beds and containers.
Classes meet monthly from April through September at the UMaine Extension office, 7 County Drive, Skowhegan. The first class is 9–11 a.m. April 28; the final class is Sept. 15. Somerset County Cooperative Extension staff will teach the classes, and local Master Gardener Volunteers will work with participants in demonstration gardens throughout the growing season. Harvested produce will be shared with area schools as well as senior and food kitchen programs.
Course fee is $20 per person. To register, for more information, or to request a disability accommodation, contact Pete Bastien at 474.9622, 800.287.1495 (in Maine), or peter.d.bastien@maine.edu.