De Urioste-Stone, Lilieholm Speak with MPBN About Penobscot River Survey
University of Maine professors and Center for Research on Sustainable Forests leaders Sandra De Urioste-Stone and Robert Lilieholm spoke with the Maine Public Broadcasting Network about a study they are conducting to identify sustainable economic development pathways for the Penobscot River corridor that protect and leverage the region’s natural resources and quality of place. The researchers are mailing 3,000 surveys to residents along the river to learn their views on recreational use, as well as their thoughts on the community and its ability to adapt to changing social, economic and environmental conditions. “We’re interested in learning more about the residents along the Penobscot River, their perceptions of the river, how they use it, how they see their connection to the river,” De Urioste-Stone said. Lilieholm said the study focuses on the often undervalued and uderutilized river. “We started looking at the river as the greatest asset for this region — for Bangor, Brewer and North,” Lilieholm said. “The Penobscot just represents this incredible resource, and we really haven’t taken advantage of it as we should.” The Maine Edge also reported on the study.