Orchard, Brewery Recognize AgrAbility Program, Foster’s Daily Democrat Reports
Foster’s Daily Democrat published a University of Maine news release about Doles Orchard in Limington and Portland-based Allagash Brewing Co. donating money to Maine AgrAbility. Doles Orchard owners Nancy and Earl Bunting began working with Allagash in 2010 when brewers inquired about purchasing their sour cherries to use in a fermented beer. The farmers have since provided the company with more than 6,000 pounds of cherries, as well as custom-built wood crates to ship the beer. In honor of the Buntings, the brewery named its October 2014 limited edition beer “Nancy.” When Allagash officials asked Nancy, who severed four fingers in a table saw accident two years ago, which group she’d like a portion of the beer’s proceeds to be donated to, she did some online research. She stumbled upon AgrAbility — the nationwide U.S. Department of Agriculture-funded program established to assist farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers and farm family members impacted by a limiting health condition. In Maine, the program is a nonprofit partnership between the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Goodwill Industries of Northern New England and Alpha One. “To educate people about the program is a huge thing,” Nancy said. “I’m happy to be getting the word out about this great program and all the ways it can help people.” Allagash Brewing has gifted nearly $10,000 to the organization.