Media Cover Release of Ocean Acidification Report

Several media outlets covered the release of a report commissioned by the 126th Maine Legislature to study the effects of coastal and ocean acidification on species commercially harvested on the Maine coast. Rep. Michael Devin, a marine biologist at the Darling Marine Center, chaired the group and UMaine oceanographer Larry Mayer was a member of the panel. The commission’s goals included monitoring and investigating ocean acidification effects, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, strengthening pollution reduction efforts and informing stakeholders. The panel asked for a $3 million bond so scientists can obtain more information about increasing ocean acidity. This study was the first of its kind on the East Coast, according to the panel. It included fishermen, scientists, aquaculture professionals, lawmakers and state officials. Outlets covering the release included ThinkProgress and WCSH-6. The Morning Sentinel and Kennebec Journal carried the AP report. To read the report: