Kersbergen Quoted in Current Publishing Article on Organic Dairy Farmer Training
Richard Kersbergen, a University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator on sustainable dairy and forage systems, was interviewed for a Current Publishing article on a Freeport farm’s new Organic Farmer Training Program and a unique piece of milking equipment it may use. While on sabbatical, Kersbergen has been working on the Wolfe’s Neck Farm training program that aims to open doors for people interested in organic dairy farming in Maine, according to the article. He said he hopes to help bring a portable milking parlor to the farm. The equipment isn’t used in the country, but is used in Europe, according to Kersbergen, who saw it in use in Holland and Germany. “The idea is, we import one as a model for a startup farmer to use,” he said. “The idea is to increase the number of organic dairy farmers. There are lots of startup expenses. This equipment could be transferable from farm to farm, for a dairy farmer whose lease arrangement might not work out.”