BDN Interviews Hornsby, Judd About ‘Historical Atlas of Maine’
University of Maine historian Richard Judd and UMaine geographer Stephen Hornsby spoke with the Bangor Daily News about the “Historical Atlas of Maine,” a new geographical and historical interpretation of the state, from the end of the last ice age to 2000. The atlas culminates a 15-year scholarly project led by UMaine researchers. Hornsby and Judd edited the book that contains cartography by Michael Hermann. “Right from the beginning we wanted something that was accessible to the people of Maine,” Hornsby said. “This was not going to be just for academics. This had to be something that would appeal to a wider audience.” The atlas will debut in two book launch events: Dec. 10, 6–8 p.m., at Osher Map Library at the University of Southern Maine; and Dec. 11, 3:30–5 p.m., Buchanan Alumni House at UMaine. The Free Press also advanced a Dec. 9 Maine Historical Society lecture by Judd in Portland that will focus on the atlas. The Sun Journal carried the BDN report and The Working Waterfront published the UMaine news release.