WABI Interviews Erdley About Children’s Social Media Use
Cynthia Erdley, a psychology professor at the University of Maine, spoke with WABI (Channel 5) for its two-part report titled, “Social media = anti-social kids?” Erdley said the ability to remain anonymous online makes it easier for cyberbullying to grow and the constant interaction can also breed anxiety, especially in children who already have that tendency. She also said too much online social time can make it difficult for children to socialize with people around them, but could help shy children build networking skills. Erdley said there are valuable aspects to social media and the best way to use it is in moderation. “It’s nice for kids to be able to remain connected and find out about social events and share pictures,” she said. In Part 2, Erdley spoke about warning signs that social media may be causing problems for teenagers, such as a drop in grades or constantly checking social media sites.