UMaine Invasive Plants, Pollutants Specialist Available
Laura Wilson, University of Maine Cooperative Extension water quality scientist and expert on invasive aquatic plants and pollutants threatening the health and ecosystems of Maine’s lakes, is available to discuss precautionary measures that can help protect the state’s water bodies.
Even the smallest piece of an invasive aquatic species like milfoil or hydrilla introduced to a lake or pond can result in rapid spread of the plants, rendering water bodies unappealing for both aquatic life and humans. Wilson is a leading advocate for precautionary measures and programs to educate the public about the environmental danger of moving boats and other floating objects from lake to lake or pond to pond without being sure they carry no hitchhiking plant pieces.
Wilson, who trains volunteers around the state on lake-protection strategies, also can discuss ways to avoid polluting lakes, rivers and streams, and even wells, unintentionally with lawn fertilizers or stormwater run-off. She can be reached at (207) 581-2971 by phone or by email at
Contact: Laura Wilson, 581-2971