Russell Osgood of Cape Neddick Chosen Northeast 4-H Volunteer of the Year
Russell Osgood of Cape Neddick has been named Northeast U.S. 4-H Volunteer of the Year by the National 4-H Council. The council selects honorees each year to represent each of the four regions of the country. The award comes one week after Osgood was honored as Maine’s Volunteer of the Year at a separate event held in Augusta.
“Russell is an extraordinary volunteer who exemplifies the qualities we are trying to instill in Maine’s youth through 4-H,” says John Rebar, executive director of University of Maine Cooperative Extension, which oversees the Maine 4-H program.
In 2006 Osgood founded the Coastal Clovers 4-H Club in Cape Neddick. The club quickly grew to more than 20 members, with many committed parent volunteers. Through Osgood’s leadership, the club developed a sustainable worm composting system to support healing birds at a local wildlife center, used donated fleece to make hundreds of blankets and hats for the homeless. They have also grown and harvested more than 9,000 pounds of fresh produce for Maine food pantries.
A community volunteer for over 25 years, Osgood has served in many roles, ranging from volunteer service with local ambulance and fire departments to traveling on medical and agriculture education missions in Guatemala.
Cooperative Extension Educator Jon Prichard calls Osgood the consummate volunteer, with public service is at the core of his life.
“The wonder is his service so clearly comes from a place of joy and love for other people and gratitude that he is able to serve them in whatever way might make their lives a little easier,” Prichard says. “Russ is highly respected by 4-H parents and by the youth he serves as a teacher and mentor. The youth clearly enjoy being in the club, engaging with Russ, and providing valuable service to the community and people in need. This is a very high honor for the Maine 4-H Program and one which Russ truly deserves,” Prichard said.
Osgood has also served as president of the York County Extension Association, University of Maine Cooperative Extension Futures Task Force, and on the Boards of Directors of the Pine Tree State 4-H Foundation and Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center.
April 22, 2011
Contact: Jon Prichard, Extension Educator
(207) 324 2814 or