Money Management Tips for ‘America Saves Week’
Contacts: Debbie Killam, (207) 581-3874; Jane Conroy, (207) 564-3301
ORONO — In observance of America Saves Week, University of Maine Cooperative Extension associate professor Deborah B. Killam in Orono will post money-management tips each day, Feb. 20-27, on “Save Money, Spend Less” blog on the UMaine Extension website. The goal of the effort is to promote saving and enrollment in America Saves during America Saves Week 2011.
The social media project was initiated by the eXtension Financial Security for All (FSA) Community of Practice (CoP) in support of America Saves Week 2011. The project will involve the distribution of blog posts, tweets and Facebook messages about money management tips and America Saves Week to participating Extension educators throughout the country. The educators will then disseminate the messages through various social media or other traditional media outlets.
Killam can be reached at (207) 581-3874 or by email at to answer questions. In addition, UMaine Extension educator Jane Conroy, an authority on tracking personal spending, home budgeting and household record keeping is available to field questions about saving. She can be reached in UMaine Extension’s Piscataquis County office at (207) 564-3301 or by email at