‘Without Borders VII’ Exhibit Features ‘Between’ Media
Contact: Owen Smith, (207) 581-4389
ORONO — The 2010 exhibition “Without Borders VII: Intermedia” is now open and continues through Sept. 24 at the University of Maine’s Lord Hall galleries.
The festival and exhibit presents a variety of art that exists “between” traditional art forms, and includes such new media as computer-based generative art, documentation as personal expression, and new alternatives for film, video and performance.
The festival exhibits the work of more than two dozen artists, both contemporary and historic, according to Owen Smith, director of UMaine’s Intermedia Master of Fine Arts program, including the work of the first two graduates of the new Intermedia MFA program, Abigail Stiers and Alex Gross.
The term intermedia is the theme of this year’s festival and is intended to reflect the programmatic aim and intent of the University of Maine MFA in Intermedia, especially, Smith says, “to work with and study creative processes and to develop works which falls conceptually, as well as physically, between media.”
The exhibit is free and open to the public weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. An exhibition reception and video festival screening is scheduled Sept. 16 from 5-7:30 p.m.