Down East magazine interviews Gill about her favorite place: Gorham Mountain

Down East magazine interviewed University of Maine paleoecologist Jacquelyn Gill for its “My Favorite Place” story. For Gill, that’s Gorham Mountain in Acadia National Park. The story notes that the Vermont native first fell in love with Acadia on an eighth-grade field trip, and as an undergraduate at the College of the Atlantic, the park was her classroom and laboratory. Today, Gill is part of iSWOOP — Interpreters and Scientists Working on Our Parks. “Most people don’t think of a park as a laboratory, but tons of research happens there,” says Gill, whose research focuses on ecological change and disturbance. “So it’s just a great opportunity to show people not only how the park works and how the natural systems operate, but also that Acadia is an active place — it’s not just some sort of preserved snapshot.”