Allen quoted in Deccan Herald article about Gandhi in modern times

Douglas Allen, a professor of philosophy at the University of Maine, was quoted in a Deccan Herald article about the role of Gandhi in the modern world. Allen, who also has been a distinguished chair in Gandhian philosophy at the Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, told the Deccan Herald that millennials he’s spoken with are often “turned off” by Gandhi’s principles. “Gandhi does not have some blueprint that can allow us to solve all of the problems facing millennials and post-millennials. Some of what Gandhi wrote was ill-informed and reactionary,” said Allen. “For example, when my millennial students read some passages from Gandhi on his advice to those who have been raped, on sexuality, and on birth control, they are shocked and often dismiss him. I then show them how Gandhi sometimes revised these views and how other passages on the status of women are progressive.” People tend to generalize Gandhi’s views and fail to see him as a person whose ideas shifted over time, according to article. Allen believes Gandhi and his ideas can challenge people today to rethink their values and deepen their understanding of violence and non-violence. This approach can radically change how millennials relate to themselves, their loved ones and the world as a whole, according to Allen.