Katie Dube: Finding true self through theatre
While searching for the perfect college, Katie Dube knew she wanted to attend an institution that would allow her to pursue her love of theatre, as well as her interest in teaching English.
“When I visited the University of Maine for the first time, I realized it was the first university I had been to where I could do everything that I wanted,” Dube says. “I was very impressed with all of the different facilities the School of Performing Arts had to offer. I knew there would be a lot of room for growth and discovery.”
Dube, of Arundel, Maine, is now finishing her first year at UMaine. She is pursuing degrees in theatre and secondary education with a concentration in English. She also is a member of the Honors College.
“UMaine makes it easy to find your interests and tailor them into a major/minor combination that can be really beneficial to your college career,” Dube says.
Already Dube has had many opportunities to perform through the School of Performing Arts. She had roles in the SPA productions of “Big Love,” “The Pajama Game” and “James and the Giant Peach,” as well as a role in a student-written show titled “Rhonda’s Salon.” Most recently, Dube played Gayle in the Maine Masque production of “Almost, Maine. Before the end of the semester, she also will be an assistant stage manager for a student-written and -directed show titled “The Party.”
“I haven’t even finished my first year yet, and I cannot wait for the rest of my college experience,” Dube says.
Why did you choose to study theatre?
Theatre has always been a huge part of my life. I started acting at the age of 5, and loved the idea of embodying someone other than myself. I have been in 25 productions over the past 19 years.
In high school, I was having a hard time discovering what I really wanted to do with my life. It wasn’t until I took a trip my junior year to Stratford-upon-Avon, England that I knew I wanted to incorporate theatre into my professional career.
Performing has taught me to embrace my fears, and always try something new. Through theatre, I have been able to conquer my fear of public speaking at a very young age. I also have been able to better understand people, and I have developed time-management skills.
Since it has always been there with me, I would like to continue pursuing it, and hopefully teach others how to trust themselves and discover empathy.
What difference has UMaine made in your life and in helping you reach your goals?
UMaine has allowed me to discover who I am and what I want to do with my life. When I was deciding where I wanted to attend college, UMaine just seemed like the right fit, and it sure was. The professors, especially in the theatre department, have been very welcoming and easy to talk to. They are honest with you and make you feel like you are right at home.
Do you have any advice for incoming college students who are considering a major in theatre?
Do it. You won’t regret it. This department has been one of the most welcoming places I have ever been a part of. Every day I get to study and rehearse for shows that make me think and work hard. It is very much a collaborative effort, and because of that, you will meet several people just like you. I was so nervous before coming to college, but theatre has been an amazing way for me to find and be my true self.
What are your plans for after graduation?
After graduation (in May 2020), I would like to work in a high school, either in theatre or English classes. I would really like to teach kids the beauty of Shakespeare, and that the themes and situations mentioned in his plays are still relevant today. I would love to help students discover their passions and conquer their fears.
If you are reading this and have even the slightest interest in theatre, I encourage you to go after it. Challenge yourself and discover where your passions lie. This university is a wonderful place. Absorb and discover as much as you can while you are here.
Contact: Elyse Catalina, 207.581.3747