Migraines focus of Borkum’s March 24 talk

A research colloquium, “The Migraine Attack as an Integrated Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative Process,” by Jonathan Borkum, UMaine adjunct associate professor, will be held at 3 p.m., March 24, Hill Auditorium, Barrows Hall, sponsored by the Psychology Department and the Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering. Borkum, a psychologist in private practice in Waterville and Bangor, wrote “Chronic Headaches: Biology, Psychology and Behavioral Treatment.” His research has been cited in headache treatment guidelines of the NHS National Services Scotland, the Canadian Headache Society and the Swiss Society for the Study of Pain as well as in diagnostic criteria of the International Headache Society. His theory of migraine triggers has been covered in The Boston Globe.