UMaine Composites Center awarded funds from MTI to establish consortium, lab
The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) has announced the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center will receive one of four new awards for collaborative projects that boost Maine’s high-potential, technology-enabled clusters.
Under MTI’s Cluster Initiative Program (CIP), the UMaine Composites Center was awarded $438,046 to establish a Smart Materials Industry Consortium and Smart Materials Lab in Orono.
CIP awards support the success and growth of Maine businesses by funding joint work of companies, service providers, research laboratories and educational institutions, and by expanding the infrastructure that helps them thrive. This round of CIP awards leveraged $1,415,197 in private sector matching contributions to the projects.
CIP awards were issued for projects supporting Maine’s Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries and Food Production cluster and Maine’s Composites and Advanced Materials cluster.
Other award recipients were the Maine Grain Alliance of Skowhegan; FocusMaine, in partnership with Gulf of Maine Research Institute and the Maine Aquaculture Association; and the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority of Brunswick.
The full MTI news release is online.