DMC to host shellfish farming workshop

Chris Davis, executive director of the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center, will instruct an “Applied Methods in Shellfish Farming Workshop” June 20–24 at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole.

The intensive, hands-on workshop is intended to familiarize participants with practical methods used to cultivate commercially important bivalve molluscs, including oysters, mussels, clams and scallops. Participants will learn about hatchery methods, upweller and nursery systems and will visit commercial oyster, mussel and clam farm growout operations.

Identification of optimal aquaculture sites will include use of instrumentation, GIS and field survey methods. Regulations, including leasing, permitting and biosecurity, also will be addressed.

Davis has been involved with oyster aquaculture for more than 30 years. In addition to being the executive director of the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center, he’s a founding partner of the Pemaquid Oyster Company and a part-time faculty member with the UMaine School of Marine Sciences.

Cost of the five-day workshop is $725. Room and board at the DMC are available for an additional fee. Information and registration material are available online and by calling 563.8220. May 20 is the registration deadline.