Maine Autism Institute featured in Association of University Centers on Disabilities newsletter

A statewide outreach program of the Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research is featured in a recent newsletter from the Association of University Centers on Disabilities.

The item in AUCD’s “Act Early Network News” highlights the institute’s work with the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), an intervention program targeting toddlers diagnosed with autism and aimed at increasing language, learning and engagement.

The story describes the program as a “unique partnership between MAIER and the Maine Department of Education Child Development Services” and says the 28 providers to implement the model to date are “serving 45 toddlers with autism and their families.” It also notes that Maine is the only state to take a systematic, statewide approach to implement the ESDM.

The Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research is a University of Maine-based center that aims to improve outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder through leadership, training, collaboration and research.