Ocean energy news reports
Friday’s Portland Press Herald includes a story wrapping up the three-day EnergyOcean International conference held this week in Portland. In the story, Ken Fletcher, director of Maine’s state energy office pointed out that the state is “fully committed” to the development of energy sources from the ocean. UMaine is leading the DeepCWind Consortium, a broad-based, collaborative effort working to develop deepwater offshore wind power technology. UMaine researchers are also involved in tidal power projects in Down East Maine. Both those technologies are noted in the report, which includes comments from Peter Vigue, the president of the Pittsfield-based construction company Cianbro. In a similar Bangor Daily News story, Feltcher touts the chance for Maine to capitalize on the associated “development, manufacturing and assembly” opportunities associated with ocean energy technologies. The BDN report also includes Vigue’s comments, as well as quotes from UMaine Prof. Habib Dagher, who heads up the DeepCWind Consortium.