Sandweiss honored by National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru

University of Maine Libra Professor of Anthropology and Climate Studies Dan Sandweiss was honored for decades of supporting the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology, and History of Peru during a ceremony held July 17.

The editor of the museum’s journal spoke about Sandweiss’ scholarly accomplishments — he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences on April 30 — and his relationship with the museum, which goes back to 1979. The director of the museum presented Sandweiss with a certificate of recognition for his outstanding academic career, particularly his archeological work in the Andes, and his friendship with the museum. Sandweiss was also given a perfect replica of a pottery vessel from the Chavín culture made in the museum using original pre-contact techniques, complete with a custom-built wooden carrying crate and a letter certifying that the vessel is a replica. Members of the UMaine expedition to Peru were in attendance and Dan’s family made a surprise appearance.