
Every semester, MPAC compiles a newsletter consisting of essays, articles, short stories, poems, recipes, political cartoons, and artwork in order to inform people not only about what we are presently doing as an organization, but to discuss some of the most important issues of today, offering an analysis reflective of our values of peace, nonviolence and egalitarianism. We send around three hundred copies across the country to former members, libraries, other colleges/universities and other activist organizations. We then go to work dispensing the remaining 1200 copies to students on campus and into the greater Orono community, and it is one of the main ways in which we engage in peace education.

If you would like a print copy, you can find them on campus in the library, the student union, or in many of the academic buildings. Or you can contact one of us and you can be added to our mailing list.

If you would like to read one electronically, we have our Spring 2016 copy here and our Fall 2015 copy here.

You can find older issues of the newsletter at MPAC Newsletter archive or at Maine Peace Action Committee on issuu. We are working on getting more of our copies online, as well as transitioning to a more user friendly system for archiving newsletters.


“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism”

~ Howard Zinn