Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Person's face painted with the EarthLaunched in 2007, the Senator George J. Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability serves as an extraordinary forum in which the university community, the general public, and many others can learn from and interact with some of the world’s leading thinkers about the challenges and opportunities involved in accelerating the transition to a sustainable world. Sharing the stage with these extraordinary thought leaders, Senator Mitchell offers his compelling insights about the importance of sustainable development, a subject he first addressed in his 1991 book, World on Fire: Saving an Endangered Earth.

2019 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

An Optimistic Vision for a Sustainable, Wild, and Socially Just World
E.J. Milner-Gulland, University of Oxford, U.K.
With remarks by Senator George J. Mitchell

A video recording of the lecture is available

2018 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Healing Our Democracy
Senator George J. Mitchell

Click here to view a recording of the lecture

2017 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Facts Versus Values. How can we make better decisions?
Thomas Dietz, Michigan State University

A video of this lecture is available on Vimeo

2016 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Between Optimism and Pessimism: Our Unending Pursuit to Feed Civilization
Ruth DeFries, Columbia University

A video of this lecture in available online

2015 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

When Science Meets Politics: Symphony or Slugfest?
Roger Pielke Jr., Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado

A video of this lecture is available online

2014 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Mobilizing Knowledge to Shape a Sustainable Future
William Clark, Harvard University

A video of this lecture is available online

2013 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Science Serving Society: Achieving Real-World Solutions
Jane Lubchenco

A video of this lecture is available online

2012 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

A Call to Arms for a Transition to Sustainability
Pamela Matson, Stanford University

A video of this lecture is available online

2011 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Helping Science Speak for Itself: Improving Communication Between Scientists and Citizens
Baruch Fischhoff, Carnegie Mellon University

A video of this lecture is available online

2010 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Unconventional Wisdom: Sustaining Our Natural Resources in a Rapidly Changing World
Elinor Ostrom, Indiana University, Bloomington

2009 Mitchell Lecture on Sustainability

Data-driven policy: The role of universities in creating a sustainable Maine
The Honorable Angus King

2008 Mitchell Lecture on the Environment

The Environmental Crisis as a Moral and Spiritual Challenge
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Yale University

2007 Mitchell Lecture on the Environment

James “Gus” Speth, Yale University