Black Bear Exchange

The Black Bear Exchange is UMaine’s on campus food pantry and clothing exchange! The BBE strives to ensure that everyone who works at and attends the University of Maine has equitable access to resources, and where creative, situation-specific collaborations are actively nurtured to meet needs. This community also tries to reuse goods and eliminate the waste of resources whenever possible. These actions will minimize dependence on supra-local, socially unaccountable systems and better provide for the well-being of all community members. The Bodwell Center, Green Campus Initiative, and other campus organizations work together to support the Black Bear Exchange.
To contact the Black Bear Exchange directly, please reach out to 207-581-4567,, or 139 Rangeley Road.
To contact the Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism which supports and helps to organize the BBE, please reach out to 207-581-3091,, or 139 Rangeley Road.
More information about local food pantries and thrifting, how to put on your own food or clothing drive, and how to make donations can be found on the Bodwell Center Website.

Food Pantry
The food pantry is open to students and their immediate families, as well as staff and faculty. Each person may visit once per week. The number of items each person can choose changes based on donations. Please check the BBE website for updated information. There is no income requirement or application process. Just present a valid MaineCard.
The BBE focus is supporting those who are not able to obtain assistance from other community sources. A wide variety of non-perishable foods, fresh produce and even some pre-cooked frozen food is obtained through the state food bank, donations, and food drives. Selections will vary from day-to-day and week-to-week. Those who have received a Pell Grant may qualify for additional benefits.

Clothing Swap
The Clothing Swap is open to anyone and everyone! All clothing, shoes and accessories are free. Donations of gently used items are accepted whenever open (no children’s clothing please). Come browse our shelves and look for a new treasure! Our goal with this sustainable project is to reduce stigma surrounding food pantries and thrift stores while providing support to the community.
How to Help
The BBE is not a University funded program, so all money used to secure food items comes from donations and fundraising. It costs more than $10,000 per year to keep the shelves full even with donated items. Any help you can provide would be amazing! There are many ways to help the Black Bear Exchange besides directly donating. Hosting a food drive, fundraiser, or educational events can be very helpful! Please reach out to the BBE or Bodwell Center for more information about how to help!