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Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions

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Talk – Casting a Wide Net: Diversity of Perspectives Improves Management of Gulf of Maine Ecosystems

February 24 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

| Free

Lobster boat in Eastport harborThe talk will be held virtually via Zoom and in-person at 107 Norman Smith Hall, UMaine, Orono.


Speaker: Jocelyn Runnebaum, Marine Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy in Maine

Environmental governance scholarship emphasizes the need for public participation in natural resource policymaking, and it is often assumed that creating space for a public process is enough to facilitate meaningful participation for complex issues. What role can conservation non-governmental organization’s play in supporting meaningful participation as part of a participating public invested in improving environmental outcomes? This talk will examine the work of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Maine in support of implementing climate informed fisheries management and the responsible siting of offshore wind. TNC Maine strives to develop and sustain meaningful relationships across industries and political contexts to ‘cast a wide net,’ and encourage more diverse voices meaningfully participate in public policy.

Jocelyn is the Marine Program Manager at The Nature Conservancy in Maine, focused on the sustainability of Gulf of Maine ecosystems, connecting science to management, and supporting key-parties to be active and valued partners in the policy and management of marine resources. Jocelyn is the Chair of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee to NOAA Fisheries, Department of Marine Resources Advisory Council Member, Maine Offshore Wind Research Consortium member, and New England Fisheries Management Council’s Climate and Ecosystem Steering Committee member. Jocelyn has a Ph.D. in Marine Biology from the University of Maine in Orono.


February 24
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category: