Estephanie Baez-Vazquez – Seeking solutions to food waste in Maine

Estephanie Baez-VazquezEstephanie is an undergraduate student at the University of Maine.

Why are you interested in the problem you are working on?
I am interested in food waste because it’s an incredibly effective way to combat the effects that climate change is having on our planet. Living in a state like Maine that has breathtaking natural environments, I want to make sure that my children will be able to see the forests, beaches, and environments that I’m able to see today. Reducing food waste is also great for our community!

How could your work contribute to a sustainable future in Maine and beyond?
I’m working on Food Rescue MAINE Solution 3: Education, which is all about educating and bringing awareness to the public on food waste solutions. We’re already seeing the impact that this work can have in schools, hospitals, restaurants, and multiple other organizations. As the public continues to learn more on how reducing food waste can ultimately better themselves, their businesses, and the environment they live in, a sustainable future in Maine and beyond becomes more and more visible!

What do you feel are the most important skills that you bring to your internship?
As I mostly focus on our social media, I feel like my creativity and aptitude for clear, concise, and accurate communication are the most important skills I bring to Food Rescue MAINE.

What have you learned through your participation in this internship?
I’ve learned so much! As someone who came into this internship not knowing much about sustainability solutions (or food waste in general), I feel like I’ve expanded my knowledge into realms I’d never imagined I’d explore. I’m learning so much about communication with stakeholders, how to create effective education and awareness campaigns, and how to work with an interdisciplinary team towards a common goal.

What are your personal goals for this internship? What do you hope to accomplish?
My personal goals for this internship are to learn more about working social media for an organization like Food Rescue MAINE, as well as learning more on how to create engaging educational content that will further drive consumers to our social media pages and website.

How do you like to spend your free time/down time?
In my free time, I really enjoy writing, going on walks on UMaine’s trails, and playing tennis!

What’s your ultimate Maine experience?
Two summers ago, I had the opportunity to go camping for a few days at Acadia National Park. Living in central Maine for most of my life, I didn’t have many opportunities to make my way up to Acadia. But going to the beach, hiking the trails, and walking around Bar Harbor that summer truly solidified my love for this state and just how much I care about protecting my home.