2025 Maine Sustainability & Water Conference
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Augusta Civic Center
Augusta, Maine

Conference Menu
Session H – Defining Riverscapes: Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interactions Affecting Riverine and Riparian Health
All Day Session
Presenters are indicated in bold font.
Session Co-chairs:
Chris Reidy, Fish Biologist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Justin Stevens, Sea Run Fish Program Coordinator, Maine Sea Grant
Valerie Ouellet, Vice President of Research and Environment, Atlantic Salmon Federation
Merry Gallagher, Native Fish Conservation Biologist, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Functioning riverscapes involve a multitude of interactions among physical, chemical, and biological factors. These interactions occur at several scales throughout the entire watershed and proper function of these interactions are critical to healthy rivers. The advent of European settlement brought drastic changes in land use which severely altered the natural processes that had operated in concert with stewardship from Indigenous peoples since the end of the Pleistocene 13,000 years ago.
While many of the natural processes are still occurring, the degree of deviation from pre-settlement conditions cannot fully be determined due to the extent of riverine degradation over centuries of intensive land use. Consequently, managers charged with restoring rivers and the fish and wildlife that use them face a suite of challenging questions. How is the current interplay of ecological factors affecting fish and wildlife populations? To what degree can we affect change to improve ecological function within our riverscapes to maintain the native flora and fauna that depend upon them? How will these processes be maintained in a changing climate?
This session, led by the Maine Riverscape Restoration Network (MRRN; formerly the In-Stream Habitat Working Group), will explore current data describing the ecological health of Maine’s riverscapes with regard to physical, chemical, and biological functions. MRRN will host a full day session. The morning sub session will focus on riparian area health, including the use of riparian areas by Maine’s wildlife species and their importance as wildlife corridors, incorporating Tribal Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in forest management, and effects of stressors, such as dams and climate change on riverscapes. The morning talks will be followed by a panel discussion on riparian best management practices (BMPs). The afternoon sub session will take a closer look the resilience of riverscapes and includes the importance of groundwater connectivity and metrics to measure baseflow resilience, and a case study on the effects of a dam removal project on water quality. Following the afternoon presentations, there will be a panel discussion on resilience of riverscapes to change. The session will conclude with a group presentation on available funding sources for riverscape restoration projects and announcements about upcoming events related to riverscape restoration and updates from partners related to current and future restoration activities and other opportunities.
Overall, this session aims to dig deeper into the current state of our riverscapes and to propose a restorative path forward to improve the function of Maine’s riverscapes and to maintain these functions for the benefit of Maine’s natural heritage for generations to come.
Session Schedule
Morning Session
Riparian Area Health
- 8:30AM-9:00AM – Managing Riparian Communities to Benefit Fish and Wildlife Health | Presenter: Joseph Roy
- 9:00AM-9:30AM – Utilizing Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Guide Forest Management and Enhance Species Recovery | Presenter: Chuck Loring
- 9:30AM-10:00AM – How Hydropower on Canadian & Siberian Rivers Are Creating the Death of the Rivers and Climate Change | Presenters: Halsey W. Snow, Roger Wheeler, Clifford Krolick
- 10:00AM-10:30AM – Panel Discussion – Riparian Best Management Practices | Panelists: Joseph Roy, Chuck Loring, Halsey W. Snow, Roger Wheeler, Clifford Krolick
Afternoon Session
Resilience of Riverscapes
- 1:30PM-2:00PM – Multi-Metric Evaluation of Baseflow Resilience Throughout Riverscapes | Presenter: Martin A. Briggs
- 2:00PM-2:30PM – Why Did the Stream Break Up With the Dam? Stream Water Quality Improvements Following Small Dam Removal | Presenter: Emily Zimmermann
- 2:30PM-3:00PM – Afternoon Break
- 3:00PM-4:30PM – Panel Discussion – Resilience of Maine’s Riverscapes | Panelists: Martin Briggs, Emily Zimmerman, Tom Gilbert, Eric Topper
- 3:30PM-4:00PM – Funding Sources | Presenter: Ben Naumann
- 4:00PM-4:30PM – Post Conference Meeting – Maine Riverscape Restoration Network General Updates | Presenters: Chris Reidy, Justin Stevens, Valerie Ouellet, Merry Gallagher
8:30AM – 9:00AM
Managing Riparian Communities to Benefit Fish and Wildlife Health
Joseph Roy, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, joseph.roy@maine.gov
Riparian habitats adjacent to streams and waterbodies are critically important for fish and wildlife. In Maine, over 80% of terrestrial vertebrates utilize riparian areas. Not only do riparian areas provide habitat for many species of greatest conservation need, they also serve as critical corridors that allow species to move across the landscape. In this presentation, we highlight management strategies that landowners and land managers can use to maintain and improve riparian habitat. Landowners and land managers can provide essential solutions on the ground that benefit fish and wildlife and contribute to positive impacts on riverine and riparian health.
9:00AM – 9:30AM
Utilizing Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Guide Forest Management and Enhance Species Recovery
Chuck Loring, Penobscot Nation, Charlie.loring.jr@penobscotnation.org
Riparian zones are some of the most diverse ecosystems known, bridging the gap between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Penobscot people had first-hand knowledge of just how special these areas were since they spent their entire lives living near or traveling waterways to hunt, fish and gather other foods or medicines. Many of these species of foods and medicines are found within riparian zones. It is no surprise that they are some of the most protected areas on Penobscot Territory. Although the Penobscots’ holdings of their original trust land base is a relatively young 43 years, there is already significant evidence of increased in-stream woody material compared to some of the more recent land acquisitions.
The approach the Penobscot Nation takes to management and maintenance of these critical habitats was informed by a simple form of traditional ecological knowledge to minimize impacts to these areas. The Nation’s forest management plan contains several different zones, many of which apply to water, some seemingly redundant, but all serve an important role in maintaining the biodiversity of the species and their environment. With a focus on Atlantic Salmon habitat connectivity, the Nation realizes the benefits to not only restoring connectivity for all co-evolved species of sea-run fish, but also their forest habitats. Our relatives need to be able to reach historic spawning grounds, but also need refuge from predators and unfavorable thermal events.
9:30AM – 10:00AM
How Hydropower on Canadian & Siberian Rivers Are Creating the Death of the Rivers and Climate Change
Halsey W. Snow, Ph.D., Sierra Club, HSnow.phd@gmail.com
Roger Wheeler, Friends of Sebago Lake, friendsofsebago@yahoo.com
Clifford Krolick, New England – Canadian Provinces Alliance, bcountry@psouth.net
This is a summary presentation based on available research and data analysis that supports the climate change and marine ecosystem warnings by Hans Neu and others starting over 50 years ago regarding the development of hydroelectric power dams in the subarctic and Arctic regions. The presentation outlines how these hydraulic structures and their flow regulation have upset the delicate balance that maintains the sea ice and Arctic Ocean generated coastal and thermohaline currents as well as the weather patterns that they control. The goal of this presentation is to initiate discussion and acknowledgement of the cumulative effects which will be enumerated in this presentation and how they are affecting both the Arctic climate and our own Gulf of Maine fishery.
10:00AM – 10:30AM
Panel Discussion – Riparian Best Management Practices
Joseph Roy, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, joseph.roy@maine.gov
Chuck Loring, Penobscot Nation, Charlie.loring.jr@penobscotnation.org
Halsey W. Snow, Ph.D., Sierra Club, HSnow.phd@gmail.com
Roger Wheeler, Friends of Sebago Lake, friendsofsebago@yahoo.com
Clifford Krolick, New England – Canadian Provinces Alliance, bcountry@psouth.net
This panel will discuss best management practices (BMPs) to ensure maximum function of riparian areas.
1:30PM – 2:00PM
Multi-Metric Evaluation of Baseflow Resilience Throughout Riverscapes
Martin A. Briggs, U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch, mbriggs@usgs.gov
Josh Benton, U.S. Geological Survey, Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
Dave Rey, U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch
Dan Doctor, U.S. Geological Survey, Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
Jenn Fair, U.S. Geological Survey, Eastern Ecological Science Center
Phillip Goodling, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Mission Area
Brandon Fleming, U.S. Geological Survey, PA-WSC
Sally Carullo, U.S. Geological Survey, NJ-WSC
Pam Reily, U.S. Geological Survey, NJ-WSC
Neil Terry, U.S. Geological Survey, NY-WSC
Chris Gazoorian, U.S. Geological Survey, NY-WSC
The ecological function of riverscapes is tied in part to surface water-groundwater connectivity. ‘Dynamic storage’ of a watershed characterizes the portion of groundwater that can potentially contribute to local streamflow. The importance of baseflow is often clearest during prolonged dry periods in headwater areas, when essentially all of natural streamflow is groundwater-derived. During such times, the physical, chemical, and thermal attributes of groundwater source flowpaths are a first-order control on streamflow persistence and water quality. We have aggregated a range of published, quantitative metrics that describe aspects of baseflow resilience ranging from characteristics of streamflow quantity to water quality. Several metrics are presented in a case study of the Delaware River Basin, USA where the US Geological Survey Next Generation Water Observing System has been monitoring various baseflow processes with innovative methods since 2019. Baseflow resilience metrics based on stream temperature and streamflow records indicate spatial organization in the production of baseflow controlled by surficial and bedrock geology. Steep mountain hillslopes in the Catskills with permeable moraine deposits and bedrock are dominated by shallow groundwater sources. The piedmont region reveals reduced groundwater connectivity and strong summer evapotranspiration influence on dynamic storage. Finally, in contrast, baseflow resilience in karst areas is governed by strong, stable deep groundwater connectivity in valley areas. This variation in surficial and bedrock geology results in a patchwork of baseflow resilience across the basin; improved understanding of these landscape-scale controls on baseflow resilience that could better inform future water resource and stream habitat management decisions.
2:00PM – 2:30PM
Why Did the Stream Break Up With the Dam? Stream Water Quality Improvements Following Small Dam Removal
Emily Zimmermann, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, emily.zimmermann@maine.gov
Despite the restoration efforts of numerous groups since the 1970s, the population size of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Maine has remained low. According to the 2018 recovery plan for Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon, habitat connectivity is the primary action needed to restore populations. In 2022, a surface-spill dam was removed by the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) in Temple Stream, a tributary to the Sandy River in Farmington, ME. Environmental monitoring of the stream before and after dam removal was conducted as a multi-partner collaboration between the University of Maine at Farmington, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Maine Department of Marine Resources, ASF, and MEDEP. Prior to dam removal, water quality was more suitable for salmon and other aquatic life above the impoundment in comparison to below the dam. The impoundment contributed to downstream water temperatures 1.5°C warmer than upstream. In addition, the impoundment stratified during the warmest months, resulting in hypoxic conditions that likely did not support aquatic life. Removal of this small dam increased flow through the former impounded area, decreasing the duration of hypoxic conditions. Stream temperatures are expected to become cooler as the former impounded area returns to stream-like conditions, with a narrow channel well-shaded by restored riparian vegetation. These water quality improvements will help create more resilient aquatic habitat for Atlantic salmon and other aquatic life.
3:00PM – 3:30PM
Panel Discussion – Resilience of Maine’s Riverscapes
Martin Briggs, U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch, mbriggs@usgs.gov
Emily Zimmermann, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, emily.zimmermann@maine.gov
Tom Gilbert, Maine Forest Service
Eric Topper, Maine Audubon
The panel will discuss the ability of riverscapes to continue to function in the face of thermal, temporal, hydrological, and other physical, chemical, and biological changes due to a warming climate and other stressors.
Funding Sources
Ben Naumann, Assistant State Conservationist for Partnerships and Initiatives, NRCS, ben.naumann@usda.gov and others
This will be a group presentation of potential funding sources. There will be brief presentations on available funding sources from different organizations followed by questions and answers.
4:00PM – 4:30PM
Post Conference Meeting – Maine Riverscape Restoration Network General Updates
Chris Reidy, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, chris.reidy@usda.gov
Justin Stevens, Maine Sea Grant
Valerie Ouellet, Atlantic Salmon Federation, vouellet@asf.ca
Merry Gallagher, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, merry.gallagher@maine.gov
The Maine Riverscape Restoration Network (MRRN) proposes to use this time to provide and gather information related to river restoration in Maine. The session will consists of announcement of upcoming events and trainings as well as updates from partners related to current and future restoration activities and other opportunities.
About the Session Chairs
Merry Gallagher is a stream ecologist with over 20 years’ experience in stream survey methodology, native fish ecology, aquatic habitat restoration and landscape/GIS data analysis. She has worked for the MDIFW as a Supervisory Fishery Biologist since 2001. She oversees on-going statewide efforts to survey and assess stream habitats, document previously unknown wild brook trout populations, coordinates MDIFW’s aquatic habitat restoration efforts and improve the general knowledge regarding the distribution of Maine’s native fishes. She also coordinates and assists research with many academic researchers. Examples include: determining population parameters of coastal brook trout populations, the effects of wood additions and restoring brook trout to degraded stream habitats, the effects of commercial fishing on white suckers, distribution of crayfish species in Maine, developing eDNA tools for Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and invasive species detection and monitoring, the genetics of wild brook trout populations and investigating the utility of stable isotope analysis in determining the degree of anadromy in coastal brook trout populations. Merry manages MDIFW’s stream survey database and has overseen the effort to convert historically collected fisheries data into GIS compatible formats. Merry is also a co-PI for Maine’s Stream Temperature Monitoring Network and Work Group where current efforts are focused on expanding the use of thermal infrared imagery for identifying critical coldwater fish habitats. For these projects, she supervises one full time staff position and multiple seasonal staff. She is Maine’s representative for the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture and the Northeast Coregonid Conservation Network and continues to assist the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee, and the Maine Stream Connectivity Workgroup.
Valerie Ouellet is the Vice-President of Research and Environment at the Atlantic Salmon Federation in New Brunswick, Canada. She earned her Ph.D. from the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique in Quebec City, Canada. Her research focused on the relationship between stream hydrology and thermal regimes, fish physiology and habitats, and tool development to support decision-making. With extensive global work experience and a long-standing background in collaborating with government agencies, academia, and the non-profit sector, Val’s role is to build and deliver a world-leading applied research and conservation science program.
Chris Reidy is a fisheries biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Bangor, Maine, where he works to restore connectivity and habitat complexity for aquatic species through implementation of aquatic organism passage and stream habitat restoration projects. Over his 28 years with NRCS, Chris has also worked as a biologist in Oregon, Michigan, New York, Indiana, and Alaska, specializing in habitat restoration. He received a B.S. in Fisheries from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry and a M.S. in Plant Ecology from Ball State University. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family hiking, biking, birding, hunting, fishing, and photographing the natural world.
Justin Stevens has over 24 years’ experience with sea-run fish in Maine and has previously worked for the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission, NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and Maine Sea Grant. He currently works for Maine Department of Marine Resources on Atlantic Salmon and other sea-run fish restoration. His research has spanned freshwater habitat and population assessments for Atlantic Salmon to evaluate stocking strategies, habitat suitability, and restoration monitoring.