Berry and Isenhour talk with media about reuse in Maine
Following on the heels of the Maine Reuse Summit held on June 9, UMaine researchers Cynthia Isenhour and Brieanne Berry have been featured in recent media coverage on reuse in Maine. Isenhour is associate professor in the Dept. of Anthropology and the Climate Change Institute and a Mitchell Center faculty fellow. Berry is pursuing a Ph.D. in anthropology with a focus on the social and cultural aspects of Maine’s reuse economy. Both are part of the Mitchell Center’s Materials Management team. The Summit focused on the findings of their research, funded by a five-year National Science Foundation grant in 2017, to study Maine’s reuse sector.
A recent episode of Maine Calling on Maine Public radio, “Donation Overload: How a Surge in Giving During Pandemic Causes Problems,” featured Cindy as a guest and Brie as a VIP caller. They talked with host Jennifer Rooks about their research and the value of Maine’s reuse economy—not just economic value, but social and cultural as well.
On June 22 the Bangor Daily News published a story on reuse in Maine and Cindy and Brie’s work.
Find out more about their research and the Maine Reuse Summit at ResourcefulME.