Dominique DiSpirito named Truman Scholar, receives Campus Compact award
Dominique DiSpirito, a UMaine political science major and Honors College student, has been named a Truman Scholar and received a Maine Campus Compact Heart and Soul Student award for 2021.
The Truman scholarship is a prestigious, merit-based award given to juniors pursuing public service careers based on their community service, leadership experience and potential, and academic abilities. The Campus Compact awards are made to six Maine undergraduates who foster an environment of civic engagement at their universities and in their communities.
Dominique is part of the Mitchell Center’s Food Waste Solutions team, developing “triple bottom line” solutions to food waste challenges that have environmental, economic and social benefits, and has helped launch two of the team’s food waste pilot projects. Learn more about Dominique’s food waste solutions work here.
Congratulations to Dominique on this well-deserved recognition!