“Shellfish harvesting for the future” event on February 22
Tune in on Monday, February 22 at 4 p.m. for “Shellfish Harvesting for the Future,” a virtual conversation among harvesters, shellfish wardens, municipal officials, marine resource committee members, and organizations that collaborate with towns on their efforts to conserve and restore wild shellfish populations and intertidal mudflats. Topics will focus on efforts to grow clam seed, connections to water quality issues, and how people are working together to restore shellfish and mudflats. People working on shellfish restoration projects from across the coast will tell stories and share information about what they have learned.
Bridie McGreavy, associate professor of environmental communication at UMaine and a Mitchell Center faculty fellow, will host the event with Natalie Springuel, marine extension associate with Maine Sea Grant and host of WERU’s Coastal Conversations radio show.
The event will be offered on Zoom; pre-registration is not necessary. Use this link to join or visit the Facebook event page. A recording of the event will be broadcast on WERU’s Coastal Conversations on February 26 at 4 p.m.
Shellfish Focus Day is typically held on the first day of the annual Maine Fishermen’s Forum. After the cancellation of the in-person Forum for 2021, volunteers planned three webinars and radio programs that will focus on important topics in Maine’s shellfish industry. The next two programs will be held in March and April.
Learn more about Shellfish Focus Day in a 2020 Mitchell Center story, “A fishery worth investing in.”