Recent publications from the Mitchell Center community

Mitchell Center community members actively publish their research across a diverse range of academic fields. The following is a sampling of recent publications by Mitchell Center faculty, students, and alumni.

A review of chemical and microbial contamination in food: What are the threats to a circular food system?
Thakali, A., MacRae, J.D.
Environmental Research (2021), Vol 194, 110635

Localism “Reimagined”: Building a Robust Localist Paradigm for Overcoming Emerging Conservation Challenges
Jansujwicz, J. S., Calhoun, A. J., Bieluch, K. H., McGreavy, B., Silka, L., & Sponarski, C. (2020).
Environmental Management (2020), 1-18.

Understanding collaborative governance from a communication network perspective: A case study of the Atlantic Salmon recovery framework
Flye, M.E., Sponarski, C.C., Zydlewski, J.D., McGreavy, B.
Environmental Science & Policy (2021), 115, 79-90

A financial benefit-cost analysis of different community solar approaches in the Northeastern US
Klein, S.J.W., Hargreaves, A., Coffey, S.
Solar Energy (2021), Vol 213, 225-245

Long-term trends indicate that invasive plants are pervasive and increasing in eastern national parks
Miller, K.M., McGill, B.J., Weed, A.S., Seirup, C.E., et al
Ecological Applications (2020)

The Political Economy of (Un)Sustainable Production and Consumption: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis for Research and Action
Mathai, M.V., Isenhour, C., Stevis, D., Vergragt, P., et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling (2020), 105265