COVID creativity: Heather Leslie shifts field course online
In the past nine months, UMaine faculty and students have had to be extra flexible and creative in response to changes necessitated by COVID-19. Heather Leslie, director of the Darling Marine Center and a Mitchell Center faculty fellow, transformed a three-week summer field course into a 10-week online graduate seminar, in collaboration with Kara Pellowe of the Stockholm Resilience Centre.
The course, Interdisciplinary Methods for Social-Ecological Systems Science, was originally planned for 12 UMaine students. The online seminar enrolled 17 students from UMaine and six other institutions in the U.S. and Germany
Heather and Struan Coleman, a UMaine master’s student who participates in the Mitchell Center’s Strengthening Coastal Economies project, are quoted in a recent UMaine News story about the course.
Read the full UMaine News story here.