Board Members

The Maine Innovation Economy Advisory Board includes the directors of the Maine Technology Institute and the state’s Office of Innovation, plus thirty individuals appointed by the Governor to represent Maine’s private, public, and nonprofit research institutions, businesses, higher education, and venture capital. As of March 2023, members are:

Headshot of Joan Ferrini-Mundy

Joan Ferrini-Mundy Ph.D. (Chair)

President, University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, University of Maine System

Denise Bruesewitz Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Colby College

Headshot of Emily Christy

Emily Christy

Consultant/Advisor, Tiny Barrel Ventures

Amber Lambke

Co-founder/CEO, Maine Grains

Patrick Cunningham

President/Chief Executive Officer, Blue Marble Geographics

Headshot of Christopher Davis

Christopher Davis Ph.D.

Executive Director, Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center

Kate Dickerson

Executive Director, Maine Discovery Museum

Headshot of Habib Dagher

Habib Dagher Ph.D.

Executive Director, University of Maine
Advanced Structures and Composites Center

Michael A. Duguay

Executive Director, Harold Alfond Institute for Business Innovation,
Thomas College

John Ferland

President, Ocean Renewable Power Company

Deborah Bronk Ph.D.

President/Chief Executive Officer, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

Patricia Hand Ph.D.

Senior Advisor to the President, MDI Biological Laboratory

Karen Houseknecht Ph.D.

Associate Provost for Research and Professor of Pharmacology, University of New England

Emily B. Lane

President, Blue Lobster Consulting LLC

Joe Powers

Managing Director, Maine Venture Fund

Kris Sahonchik

Director, University of Southern Maine Research and Catherine Cutler Institute

Topaz Smith

Founder, EN-NOBLE

Headshot of Dianne Tilton

Dianne Tilton

Executive Director, Downeast Institute

Stephen Von Vogt

Chief Executive Office, Maine Marine Composites

Brian Whitney

Maine Technology Institute