Appendix III: Summary of Goals

Maine Innovation Economy Action Plan | 2023-2027

Vision: A resilient, innovation-driven economy that creates opportunities for all Maine people

Goal 1: Increase R&D to 3% of GDP while focusing on activities that directly support Maine industries

  • Build on existing strengths and assets
  • Expand R&D and commercialization capacity at post-secondary institutions
  • Expand R&D tax credits
  • Increase and stabilize public funds for R&D investments
  • Increase support for companies and institutions pursuing federal grants
  • Strengthen partnerships with national labs

Goal 2: Strengthen pathways to successful commercialization

  • Increase support for start-ups
  • Strengthen R&D and commercialization support for existing companies
  • Increase incentives for commercialization at research institutions
  • Foster the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators

Goal 3: Prepare an innovation workforce

  • Expand student research opportunities
  • Increase awareness of science and technology careers
  • Help both new and incumbent workers find career pathways
  • Embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Expand training on use of emerging technologies and real-time data in manufacturing (Industry 4.0)
  • Support extracurricular STEM experiences

Goal 4: Help businesses & communities thrive in the face of climate change

  • Expand Maine’s clean energy portfolio
  • Increase local food and agricultural resilience
  • Support fisheries resilience
  • Pursue strategic carbon sequestration opportunities
  • Use artificial intelligence to advance climate-smart practices
  • Goal 5: Strengthen Maine’s R&D ecosystem
  • Develop a schedule for R&D bonding and state appropriations
  • Create and market a central repository of information on Maine’s R&D assets
  • Increase public understanding of, and trust in, R&D’s role in economic development