Maine’s public universities are at the forefront of fostering innovation and economic growth in your district and across our state.

Leveraging ongoing State investment in commercially promising research and development (R&D) through the Maine Economic Improvement Fund (MEIF) at a rate of more than 6:1, the University of Maine System (UMS) is driving and diversifying private sector success and workforce development like never before.

But don’t just take our word for it.

In this year’s MEIF report to the Legislature, we’re highlighting the voices of small businesses and students speaking about the value of UMS R&D, led by the University of Maine, the state’s flagship and only institution to have achieved the prestigious R1 Carnegie Classification for very high research activity.

The companies you’ll read about including Compotech, Maine Grains and Timber HP are creating new products and high-paying jobs, increasing productivity and profits, solving industry challenges, improving our environment and quality of life, making food systems safer and more resilient, and expanding their market reach — all with the help of Maine’s public universities.

Their stories of partnership and growth illustrate how essential public university R&D is to Maine’s prosperity. As Harvest Maine said about its collaboration with UMaine food scientists — including Black Bear student researchers — to turn food waste into a value-added consumer product, “We could not have gotten this to market without their help.”

Despite the unmatched rate of return evidenced by testimonials like these, Maine currently invests just 1.1% of its GDP in R&D, far below the national average of 3.6% and 5.7% by other New England states. The condition of our public university research facilities further limits our activity and impact, and we frequently lose world-class faculty to better-resourced institutions in other states.

Strategic, sustained and growing public investment in UMS including through MEIF would catalyze new innovation and opportunity, attract co-investments, cultivate new talent, and improve lives and livelihoods across Maine. In the meantime, Maine’s public universities are proud of what we’ve accomplished with and for our state’s small businesses.

We look forward to continuing to work together with leaders like you and our company and community partners to realize the full potential of public university R&D and of Maine’s economy.

Thank you for your support,

Dannel Malloy
Chancellor, University of Maine System

Joan Ferrini-Mundy
Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, University of Maine System President, University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias