Mission and Goals

Welcome to the Office of Major Scholarships at the University of Maine.

The Office of Major Scholarships offers information and support to help undergraduate and graduate students prepare competitive applications for prestigious national merit-based scholarships, including awards for undergraduate study, study abroad and graduate study.

In line with UMaine’s mission to advance learning and discovery through excellence, the mission of the Office of Major Scholarships is to promote the full potential of scholarship candidates through the application process. We view the scholarship application process as an integral part of the academic, personal, and career development for the students at the University of Maine. We strive to make of the application process a positive, skill-building, and transformative learning experience accessible to all students.

The learning goals for students who apply for a major scholarship are:

  1. To evaluate possibilities, take risks, and set high-goals

  2. To connect intellectual interests, academic work, research, public service, and extra-curricular engagement with future goals

  3. To develop strong writing and interviewing skills

  4. To harness resources by networking with people both on campus and off-campus

  5. To hone communication skills with regard to research, activities, passions, and goals to a variety of audiences

  6. To work with recommenders and mentors to prepare competitive applications

  7. To gain experience in time management of the scholarship application process

The Office of Major Scholarships collaborates with the faculty and staff at the University of Maine in working with qualified students to identify awards suited to their goals and in putting together quality applications with the goal to promote a campus-wide culture of knowledge and expectation regarding national award opportunities available to students.

The Office of Major Scholarship is a member of the National Association of Fellowships Advisors and follows its core values for professional fellowship advising: integrity, collaboration, respect, and fairness.

Explore this site to find the scholarship that fits your major, your interests and goals. You are encouraged to contact the Director, Nives Dal Bo-Wheeler at nives.dalbowheeler@maine.edu  with any question. Visit this site for updates on deadlines, workshops, and scholarship-related events, or visit us on Facebook or Instagram.