Writing Ourselves – April 10, 2010

Writing – the place I feel most myself, inhabiting people who are not me.  -Kate Kennedy

On Saturday April 10th Writing Project colleagues from both National Writing Project sites of Maine gathered at the Maple Hill Farm B&B for a day of scrumptious food, deep discussions, fine learning, and … writing.

The morning featured novelist and SMWP director, Kate Kennedy  in an exciting fiction workshop, followed by an elegant luncheon, and afternoon discussion groups that included Creating Time & Space to Write, Fiction & Nonfiction, Poetry, Writing Centers, and Writing & Technology.

Kate Kennedy presenting
Kate Kennedy shares her success and struggles with fiction writing.
montage of workshop
Clockwise: Sarah Franklin ’07 introduces her friend and colleague, Kate Kennedy. University of Maine Professors Pat Burnes and Dylan Dryer conduct a workshop on first year student writing. Maureen Montgomery ’02, Ken Martin ’99 and Dave Boardman ’03 discuss writing and technology. Kate Kennedy ’06 and Rich Kent ’97 lead a fiction writing conversation. Tim Hebda ’06 and Doug “Woody” Woodsum ’08 participate in a writing exercise. Rich Kent’s UMaine students Justin Jacques (c) and Lisa Mitchell (r) joined the writing project for the day with Brewer science teacher Tia Achey (l).