Maine Studies Degrees – Overview

The Maine Studies Program offers undergraduate degree options, including a Minor in Maine Studies and a track in the Bachelor of University Studies (BUS) degree. A summary of each of these degree options is given below.

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Overview: MA in Interdisciplinary Studies/Maine Studies Track

The Maine Studies track in the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies is no longer accepting applications. Information about the program remains here for archival purposes only. 

The Masters of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) is offered through the University of Maine Graduate School. There are several “tracks” including Maine Studies, as well as a self-designed option. MAIS students complete 30 credits of coursework, which includes 3-6 credits of a master’s project of their own design. The typical time to complete the degree is 3-5 years, but it is possible to do so in two years for highly motivated students.

The Maine Studies track in the MAIS allows students to complete their master’s degree entirely online. It is popular with teachers, librarians, and others who wish to advance their careers through a master’s degree, but who are not able to take classes on the UMaine campus. Some of our students are simply interested in the study of Maine and wish to learn more from highly qualified faculty and in the company of fellow learners. Many students complement Maine Studies courses by taking courses from other departments that suit their interests and help prepare them for their career goals.

For more information about the MAIS degree in general, please go to the Graduate School website here.

Overview: Bachelor of University Studies/Maine Studies Track

The Bachelor of University Studies (BUS) degree is offered through the university’s Division of Lifelong Learning. It is considered a degree completion program, designed for students who began their undergraduate careers at an earlier time, and now wish to complete that credential. It has several tracks plus a self-designed option. Students completing the BUS degree come from all walks of life. Several BUS graduates in recent years have decided to pursue the MAIS degree, continuing their passion for education as they work toward an advanced degree.

Students in the Maine Studies Track complete 24 credits of Maine-related classes, including two required courses. In addition to Maine Studies (MES) courses, electives (including many online options) can come from at least eight different departments on campus. Maine Studies courses are offered online, making this track especially attractive for distance learning students

For more information or to apply, please go to the Bachelor of University Studies website here.

Overview: Minor in Maine Studies

The Minor in Maine Studies is for current University of Maine students completing a BA or BS degree. The Minor is 18 credits and there are only two required Maine Studies courses (MES 101 and MES 201); the rest are electives and can come from nearly a dozen different departments. Some overlap of courses with the student’s major is possible. Many students in Anthropology, History, English, Political Science, and other fields find the Maine Studies minor appealing, as it helps them delve more deeply into their interest in Maine and the surrounding region.

To add the Maine Studies Minor, please contact your faculty or college advisor. You can also download the Minor Add form here.


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