Risking to Learn: A workshop about risk, resilience and self-efficacy
When: Wed. Oct. 11, 2017, 9 a.m.—2 p.m.
Where: Wells Conference Center, University of Maine
Audience: Reading Recovery® Teachers; Literacy Lessons™ Teachers; Teacher Leaders
Cost: $200
[Download the Registration Form/Flier]
About the trainer: With a background in teaching and teacher education, Julia Douetil became one of the first European trainers for Reading Recovery in 1992. For 25 years she has worked to establish, promote and support Reading Recovery in the four countries of the UK, in the Republic of Ireland and in Denmark. She established and was the first Director of the International Literacy Centre at the University College London Institute of Education. Her work on the real cost of literacy difficulties helped to persuade the UK government to fund a national roll out of Every Child a Reader, a layered approach to literacy intervention with Reading Recovery at its heart. Since her retirement in December 2016 Julia has continued to work closely with and to write for Reading Recovery teacher leaders and teachers around the world.
About the training: In Reading Recovery we often talk about the children we teach needing to be prepared to take risks if they are to achieve accelerated progress, but what do we mean by risk, and how will it help a struggling reader? In her guidance for teachers Clay often talks about teachers taking risks, so what risks must we be prepared to take to enable every child to become a reader and writer? Join me to explore ideas around risk, self-efficacy and resilience as we reflect on the role of risk in learning and teaching.
We will track a Reading Recovery lesson series to think about how our way of working at different points in the child’s learning journey can enable them to develop the emotional and attitudinal skills they need, alongside practical skills and knowledge, if they are to be successful and enthusiastic readers and writers for life.
And we will take a long hard look at the challenges we must face as teachers if we are to make it happen. Go on, I dare you!
Please bring your copy of Clay’s ‘Literacy Lessons Designed for Individuals, 2nd Edition,’ and ‘An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement’ (2013).