3 young adults chatting

PEERS® Lab at the University of Maine offers trainings, groups, and support for young adults themselves and the familiy members and professionals who work with youth that struggle with interpersonal interactions.

Offerings and Options Through the Lab

Self-paced App for Young Adults

The UCLA PEERS program also has a self-paced app for iphones and androids that can be accessed HERE

Asynchronous Online Dating Bootcamp Available Now

This PEERS® Virtual Dating Boot camp is open to all including teens, young adults, parents, and professionals. Attendees are presented with targeted skills through didactic instruction and role-play demonstrations, and have the opportunity to practice newly learned skills through independent practice and behavioral rehearsal exercises.

More Information and Register HERE

Logo for PEERs Lab at UM: sillouette of two people one with arm over shoulder of the other

For Additional Enrollment Information or Questions about the
PEERS Lab at UMaine

Maine Access to Inclusive Education Resources
Phone: 207.581.2448
Email: maier@maine.edu


PEERS® for School-Based Professionals Research Modules


You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by Sarah Howorth, Ph.D., an associate professor, in the Graduate Special Education program, at the School of Learning and Teaching at the University of Maine. Your contact information was obtained from the PEERS for School-Based Professionals modules. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the effect of participation in the PEERS for School-Based Professionals online module on the understanding of the social skills of the teachers who participate. We will also evaluate your students’ anonymous results after your implementation of the PEERS for School-Based Professionals curriculum. You are eligible to participate if you are an educator who participates in the Maine Access to Inclusive Educational Resources (MAIER) online asynchronous professional development modules (PDM), are currently teaching in middle school or high school settings, whose district has expressed support of the implementation of PEERS for School-Based Professionals curriculum and has agreed to share de-identified pre/posttest student data teachers will already be collecting.

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to take an anonymous pre and post-survey.  It should take you about 10 minutes to fill out each time.  You will then be asked to give the same pre/post survey to all your students as part of the course. It should take them about 10 minutes to fill out each time. They will respond to the pre and post-test via Google Forms. Your IP address and email will not be collected.

Accessing this training module below indicates your consent to participate in this research study.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at sarah.howorth@maine.edu (207)-581-2448.

We are thrilled you have decided to register for this training research!

If you agree to participate in this study please:

1) Click this link to complete the pre-test:

2) The link to the training page will be sent to you after you submit this form.

3) Once you have completed the module, please take 10 minutes to complete the post-test linked here (please save for later!)https://forms.gle/guw3FLBVHDMYDsc57

4) Once you have completed the module and taken the pre/post tests,  The next step would be for you to obtain permission from your special ed director to participate in the research, and for them to send sarah.howorth@maine.edu an email indicating that they will buy teachers the PEERS for School-Based Professionals manual. Dr. Howorth can also share the PDF copy with you if budgets do not allow the purchase of the paper-based manual. They should also indicate their support of you teaching the curriculum to your students. Let Dr. Howorth know the names and emails of the teachers who will participate, the grade level they teach, and the district/ state they teach in and she will send them the consent forms and links to the modules. Dr. Howorth is also available via Zoom for ongoing consultation while you as a group are implementing the curriculum in your school.

5) After you complete the training, don’t forget to complete an evaluation. After you complete the evaluation, you will be emailed your Certificate of Completion. Evaluation link here: https://forms.gle/5CtsEEvc6CUiQcjE8

6) If you have any questions or issues, please email sarah.howorth@maine.edu 

Reading Resources

Book cover: The Science of Making Friends. Photo of Three teens sitting in the grass

Book cover: The PEERS Curriculum for School-based professionals. Photo of teens talking

Book cover: Social Skills for Teenagers with Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders. photo of group of teens

Book cover: PEERS for Young Adults. Photo of young adults sitting together with books.