“Autos for Autism” Fundraiser Supports MAIER Family Partnership

“We are thrilled that we had such a success with our fundraising efforts this year and are looking forward to doing even better next year!” ~Meg Lewis, VP Mid-Coast Business Development Group

Throughout Autism Awareness and Acceptance month this past April, the Mid-Coast Business Development Group (Mid-Coast BDG), a group of automotive service and repair shops in Midcoast Maine, and many Maine NAPA stores joined together to support the work of MAIER  and help raise autism awareness and acceptance in their communities through an “Autos for Autism” fundraiser. Despite the unprecedented challenges faced by most businesses this past year, participating shops posted flyers and shared information with their customers about autism awareness and about the mission and work of MAIER. Businesses solicited donations from their customers to support our ongoing activities to serve Maine families affected by autism.

Thanks to the enthusiasm and determination of Meg Lewis, VP of the Mid-Coast Business Development Group, “Autos for Autism 2021” fundraiser raised over $3600! When delivering the news of their fundraising efforts, Meg wrote, “We are thrilled that we had such a success with our fundraising efforts this year and are looking forward to doing even better next year!” As an annual event for the third year running, their donations will continue to support MAIER family partnership activities and resources. We look forward to resuming our in-person family events in the near future, and the generosity of the Mid-Coast BDG and their customers will go a long way toward making this possible.

Our sincere thanks go out to the Mid-Coast BDG and NAPA dealers who participated in this fundraiser and to their many customers who generously donated to help support MAIER’s outreach to Maine families affected by autism.  

Fundraisers help support MAIER Family Partnership activities such as the "Outdoor Adventure Day" at the Adaptive Outdoor Education Center in 2019.