Teacher Survey
Understanding Motivators and Stressors of Maine’s Teachers
You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by researchers at the University of Maine-Orono. The purpose of the study is to examine teacher satisfaction and to better understand teacher motivators, stressors, practices, and professional development needs for working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
What Will You Be Asked to Do?
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete an anonymous survey. It is estimated that it could take up to 20 minutes to complete the survey if all of the questions are answered, including responding to open-ended questions. Questions focus on your teaching practices and educational topics that you may find important. Many questions are selection only and may not be applicable to you.
The risks to you as a respondent include your time and inconvenience in completing the survey.
You will not directly benefit from completing this survey. Your responses will help others understand teacher’s perceived motivators and stressors as well as perceived confidence of implementation of evidence-based practices for students with autism spectrum disorders, and also the types of professional development about autism that would best support teacher practice. This knowledge will inform stakeholders about the impact of the work you and other educators are doing to support students with developmental disabilities.
You are being compensated for your time with a contact hours certificate. This certificate can be used toward recertification requirements and your professional portfolio. At the end of the survey, you will be directed to a separate page to access the contact hours certificate. Please complete the survey from a tablet or computer rather than a smartphone to ensure access to the contact hours certificate. You also have the option to provide your email address to be randomly selected for one of five Amazon $25 gift cards.
This survey focuses on the individual teacher and generalities of classroom. Information provided to stakeholders (i.e., organizations that plan and support professional development) will be summarized and not identifiable.
Survey data will be stored on a password protected computer until May 2026. Survey data will be deleted from the survey platform May 2021.
Participation is voluntary. If you choose not to participate in this study, you may stop at any time. You can choose to skip questions that you do not wish to answer.
When clicking the arrow prompt below, and selecting Yes on the first question, you are agreeing to participate in this research study. If you are willing to complete the survey, please do so in the next 15 days. It is recommended to complete the survey on a computer, which allows for access to the Google Doc contact hours certificate to be downloaded and saved to your computer. Submission of the survey implies consent to participate.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this study, please contact me at deborah.l.rooks@maine.edu, 207-581-2352. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Office of Research Compliance, University of Maine, 207/581-2657 (or email umric@maine.edu).
To participate in this study, click here.