Autism Awareness Fair in Rockland is a huge success!
MAIER joined the Rockland community for an Autism Awareness Fair on March 18th at the Rockland Elks Lodge. This family-friendly fun and informative event was organized and led by Jessica Crane (mother of four-year old Brody), with the assistance of her family and friends. The spirit of the community was evident as the steady stream of families arrived and smiles and laughter filled the Lodge.
The day included a variety of fun and sensory friendly activities for the children, including a bounce house and slide, sensory bins, crafts, and snacks. Local fire and police officers joined the fun and offered safety information, while parents and community members visited information booths from local and state Autism service providers and organizations, including MAIER. Donna Doherty, MAIER’s Family Partnership Director, and Olivia White, UM graduate student shared information on MAIER’s resources and family partnership, including the Maine Parent Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The Fair also served as a fundraiser for local programs and organizations serving families impacted by autism. Together with local businesses and individuals who donated a unique variety of goods and services, Jessica and her helpers raised over $3500 through the silent auction available during the event. We are both pleased and thankful to be the recipient of a generous donation from the group, which will help support MAIER’s Family Partnership program.
Our sincere thanks go out to Jessica and her family for all their hard work and dedication it took to plan and hold such a wonderful community event. The effects of your efforts will help support families throughout the state of Maine. Well done!