Part-time and Temporary Employee Resources
- Part-time Faculty Hiring Qualifications, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- UMS Compliance Training and Payments for PATFA Members [COMING SOON]
- PATFA Academic-Year Appointment Cycle, CLAS
- Part-time Teaching Availability Form
- PATFA Request for Additional Teaching
- PATFA Faculty Work on Thesis Committees
- Hiring Temps. or Students; Additional Compensation
Criteria for the evaluation of part-time faculty are specified at the department, school or program level. Please note that these documents are the responsibility of the departments that administer them. For university-wide policies regarding part-time faculty, consult the Maine Part-Time Faculty Association (PATFA) agreement on the UMS Labor Relations page.
Cohen Institute for Leadership & Public Service
- PATFA members will be evaluated using the guidelines established by Political Science (POS)
Communication and Journalism
- Guidelines for Evaluation of Part-Time Faculty
- Policy on Hiring Part-Time Faculty: Substitution of Profession Experience for Academic Credentials
- Promotion to Adjunct Professorial Ranks Guidelines & Instructions
Franco-American Studies
- PATFA members will be evaluated using the guidelines established by Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGS)
International Affairs
- PATFA members will be evaluated using the guidelines established by Political Science (POS)
Judaic Studies
Maine Studies
Mathematics and Statistics
Modern Languages and Classics
Native American Programs
- PATFA members will be evaluated using the guidelines established by Anthropology (ANT)
- Guidelines for Evaluation of Part-Time Faculty
- Principles of Effective Teaching
- Qualifications for Hiring Part-Time Faculty
Physics and Astronomy
Political Science
School of Computing and Information Sciences
School of Performing Arts
School of Policy and International Affairs
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies