
Fall 2020 Courses

JST 200-0001 – Introduction to Judaism, 3 Cr., The Maples 17, 11:00-12:15 PM, TTh This course presents students with a survey of the developments in Jewish belief, practice, institutions and self-understanding from the Biblical period through the present day.  Through the study of both primary and secondary sources, students will become familiar with the major […]

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Hebrew 102

Attention students! It’s ADD/DROP WEEK through Monday so there is still time to enroll in HBR 102: Beginning Modern Hebrew II. If you know a little Hebrew and want to learn more, considering adding HBR 102! The prerequisite is Hebrew 101 or the equivalent, i.e. knowledge of some basics, like the Hebrew alphabet. Schedule: Tuesday […]

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Spring 2020 Courses

CLA 202-0990 Mythology of the Ancient Near East, North Africa, and Greece 3 Cr.  On-line  Surveys the mythologies of the ancient Mediterranean Basin, including Hebrew Mythology. Through lectures, reading and video the major deities and heroes of each culture will be presented within their cultural context, including the stories associated with them. Instructor: James Patrick […]

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The Abrahamic Religions: Faith and Reason in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

TTh 9:30 – 10:45 The Maples 10 Cross listed as: PHI 465-01  Advanced Topics in Philosophy JST 383-01   Topics in Judaic Studies ANT 490-01 Topics in Anthropology HTY 398-10  Historical Issues This course explores the metaphysical and existential implications of monotheism in the religious thought and practice of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Special attention will […]

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