Interdisciplinary Judaic Studies Minor
Judaic Studies provides a broad liberal arts background that cultivates an appreciation of the central role played by Jewish culture in the development of human civilization. This interdisciplinary program provides students some substantive understanding of the historical, religious, literary, philosophical, sociological, and political experiences of the Jews; and it offers a diverse disciplinary framing of questions central to the Jewish experience with different perspectives and methodologies.
Find out more about this minor in the UMaine Catalog.

Required Courses for Judaic Studies Track:
- JST 200 – Introduction to Judaism Credits: 3
- JST 205 – Jewish History and Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Founding of the State of Israel Credits: 3
- 4 Elective courses (12 credits)
Required Courses for Judaic Studies Language Track:
- HBR 101 – Beginning Modern Hebrew Credits: 3
- HBR 102 – Beginning Modern Hebrew II Credits: 3
- JST 200 – Introduction to Judaism Credits: 3
- JST 205 – Jewish History and Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Founding of the State of Israel Credits: 3
- 2 elective courses (6 credits)
Elective Courses:
Courses marked by an asterisk (*) may be taken as electives when in the judgment of the Coordinator of Judaic Studies the topic is clearly relevant. Additional courses not listed here may be taken as electives with the consent of the Coordinator.
- ANT 120 – Religions of the World Credits: 3
- ANT 249 – Religion and Violence Credits: 3
- ANT 256 – Ethnic Conflict Credits: 3
- ANT 290 – Special Topics in Anthropology Credits: 3 *
- ANT 490 – Topics in Anthropology Credits: 3 *
- ANT 497 – Department Projects Credits: Ar *
- CLA 202 – Mythology of the Ancient Near East, North Africa and Greece Credits: 3
- HBR 101 – Beginning Modern Hebrew Credits: 3 (may be taken as elective in the non-language track)
- HBR 102 – Beginning Modern Hebrew II Credits: 3 (may be taken as elective in the non-language track)
- HON 349 – Tutorial Alternative Portfolio Credits: 0 *
- HON 350 – Honors Seminar Credits: 3 *
- HON 498 – Honors Directed Study Credits: 3 *
- HON 499 – Honors Thesis Credits: 3 *
- HTY 199 – Problems in History Credits: 3 *
- HTY 398 – Historical Issues Credits: 3 *
- HTY 411 – The Holocaust Credits: 3
- HTY 446 – History of Modern Middle East, 1800-Present Credits: 3
- HTY 498 – Senior Seminar in History Credits: 3 *
- JST 383 – Topics in Judaic Studies Credits: 3
- PAX 201 – Introduction to Peace and Reconciliation Studies Credits: 3
- MUH 650 Topics in Music History: Entartete Musik: Degenerate Music (see Graduate Catalog for description)
- PAX 398 – Topics in Peace and Reconciliation Studies Credits: 3 *
- PAX 491 – Forgiveness: Creating a Culture of Peace and Reconciliation Credits: 3
- PAX 498 – Special Projects in Peace and Reconciliation Studies Credits: 1-6
- PHI 105 – Introduction to Religious Studies Credits: 3
- PHI 465 – Advanced Topics in Philosophy Credits: 3 *
- PHI 466 – Readings in Philosophy Credits: 1-3 *
- PHI 475 – Junior/Senior Philosophy Seminar Credits: 3 *
- POS 359 – Topics in American Government Credits: 3 *
- POS 370 – International Terrorism: The Challenges for America Credits: 3
- POS 386 – Religion and Politics in the United States Credits: 3
- POS 469 – Politics of the Middle East Credits: 3
- POS 498 – Independent Study in Political Science Credits: 1-3 *
- SOC 308 – Problems of Violence and Terrorism Credits: 3
- SOC 325 – Sociology of Religion Credits: 3
- SOC 493 – Senior Thesis Credits: 3 *
- SOC 499 – Senior Seminar Credits: 3 *
Residency Requirement
Minimum of 9 credit hours must be completed at the University of Maine.
How to Declare a Minor
To declare a minor in Judaic Studies just fill out this form and forward the completed PDF to the program coordinator Derek A. Michaud. He will sign it and send it along to your college to complete the process.